
Showing posts from July, 2019

5 Things You Should Know if You Are Just Starting Out

When I first graduated from high school, and decide I wanted to major in music technology, no one warned me of the ‘pros’ and ‘cons’ of doing it. I went through a trial and error process, and went through a multitude of people who didn’t support me, or didn’t want to be involved with the lifestyle they thought I had. When I got to college, I found a bunch of people just like me, who supported one another and didn’t have time to put down others dreams. While I’m grateful for that, since graduating college, it seems that those things that no one warned me of have come back to haunt me, so I’m writing this in hopes that someone else benefits from these tips! 1.Not Everyone is your ‘Friend’   -This one is a hard pill to swallow. Some of the people I met in the music industry were only superficial, meaning they only spoke to me because of the sole facts that I am a woman, and because they thought I had “connections.” The truth is, these people are toxic and not worth your time, a...

Interview with Dakota Sean from Another Day Dawns

Alonna was able to catch up with Dakota Sean,  vocalist of Lehighton-based hard rock band " Another Day Dawns ", who recently charted on Billboard's "Heatseekers Northeast" Chart, and discuss many topics, such as humble beginnings, current song obsessions, choosing to do music full time, and everything else in between! A:  Let's start off with an introduction first! D: Dakota Sean, vocalist for Another Day Dawns. A: What individual musician initially inspired you to make music? D: My dad was a musician, so definitely him. As far as celebrities, Eddie Vedder from Pearl Jam, or, Kurt Cobain from Nirvana A:What was the first instrument you learned to play? D: Drums, when I was around 9/10, then I started singing after that and it just went from there! A: What would be your dream venue to play? D: Madison Square Garden in New York, for sure! A: Would you ever venture outside of the hard rock genre? D: Yes, I always think I have cool rap  and b...