Final Interview with Grey Mourning

It's the end of an era! Bloomsburg-based rock band Grey Mourning has decided after fifteen years off and on, to take a different approach and go on an indefinite hiatus! However, the band members sat down with Alonna for the second time to discuss beginnings, the end of Grey Mourning, and future plans for themselves as musicians, and as a band. *Sunday, December 29th, 2019* 1.)Can you give us a general introduction to your band? Rob: I came into the band relatively late. So I can't really give a valid answer to this lol Jay: Grey Mourning is a 5 piece rock/alternative/metal band based out of the Bloomsburg/Berwick area. 2.) How did you become a band? Jay: After more line up changes than Spinal Tap had drummers, I met Dan McGann and he helped finalize the recordings of “Between Darkness and Light” From there, Dan joined the band in a live capacity, brought on his best friend Cory Ash on bass. We met Aaron through Aaron Kennedy. Rob joined the grou...