Interview with Gods of Space

Source: Jake Waxmonsky Have you ever wondered what happens when psychedelia, stoners, and metal mix together? Well, the answer is spine-crushing band Gods of Space, based in Wilkes-Barre, PA. The band classifies their genre as “stoner space metal”, which is prominent throughout their music. This fusion makes this band stand out to me more than regular metal bands have in previous years. I was able to conduct an email interview with them, and here is what they had to say! 1.) Let’s start off with a general introduction to your band! Gods Of Space is a heavy metal trio hailing from Wilkes-Barre, PA which dabbles in Psychedelia, Heavy Metal and classic sci-fi works. Together, the band continues to meld these influences into Stoner Space Metal. 2.) How did you become a band? - In the winter of 2012, Matt Hannon (bass) put out an ad for a stoner-doom project on a local Craigslist page. Jake Waxmonsky (guitar, vocals) replied to the ad, having just come off one of h...