Interview with Gods of Space

Source: Jake Waxmonsky

Have you ever wondered what happens when psychedelia, stoners, and metal mix together? Well, the answer is spine-crushing band Gods of Space, based in Wilkes-Barre, PA. The band classifies their genre as “stoner space metal”, which is prominent throughout their music. This fusion makes this band stand out to me more than regular metal bands have in previous years. I was able to conduct an email interview with them, and here is what they had to say!

1.) Let’s start off with a general introduction to your band!
Gods Of Space is a heavy metal trio hailing from Wilkes-Barre, PA which dabbles  in Psychedelia, Heavy Metal and classic sci-fi works. Together, the band continues to meld these influences into Stoner Space Metal.

2.) How did you become a band?
- In the winter of 2012, Matt Hannon (bass) put out an ad for a stoner-doom project on a local
Craigslist page. Jake Waxmonsky (guitar, vocals) replied to the ad, having just come off one of
his earlier bands. The two quickly hit it off, bonding over a love of 60’s and 70’s hard rock and
psych, and would have casual jam sessions to kick around ideas and listen to new music. After
a few months of heady jamming, the two recruited drummer Matt Yuscavage (who previously
played in another project with Hannon) and bassist Derick Haigh.
In 2014, the quartet self-recorded their debut EP. This 5 song EP followed a loose concept arc
and set the stage for the “Gods of Space” moniker; pulling influences from ancient astronaut
theories like “Chariots of the Gods” and classic science fiction literature and films to weave
sonic tales across a galaxy.

3.) See #2

4.) Individual music influences?
 Matt: Al Cisneros of Sleep is a dead answer for me being in a stoner metal band but I also enjoy Noel Redding from The Jimi Hendrix Experience. Music wise I really love Jazz and Funk and most people wouldn't put that together from what we play.
Tyler: Drumming wise I like Stewart Copeland  of The Police, as for music I enjoy Black Flag and a lot of that classic Punk scene baby. Classic hard rock well, Sabbath's Bill Ward and Zeppelin's Bonham are also a huge influence on my playing (as it should be.)

Jake: I really love Jimmy Page as a kid and the molded me as a guitar player along with Plant as a Singer. Rob Halford from Judas Priest is also a huge talent in my book for singing. As I got Older David Gilmoure effected my playing an encouraged me to slow down.

As a whole band we really love Hawkwind, Sleep, Om, Conan and The Sword

5.) Favorite show you’ve played thus far?
It's a toss up between our Album Release as it was out first show with Tyler and JB Lovedrafts in Harrisburg just a few weeks back.

6.)  What is something you would tell your 17 year old self?
Jake: Take up a Trade haha, but for real have more of plan for life. I agree with Matt's point as well
Matt: Practice more and remain open to more music

7.) One artist you would like to work with, and why?
Jake: I generally don't think about this but a keyboardist would be cool. Calling Elton, calling Elton.
Tyler: Dr. Steve Brule.
Matt: Steve Albini or Kurt Ballou to produce a record. Someone running lights and a projector would be cool too.

8.) Individually, how did you get into doing music? 

Jake: I had a close friend who had a guitar, I'd pick it up and whatever. The best story was when I was in that learning easy song phase and he showed me Black Sabbath's Paranoid. So One day he bring his girlfriend over and shoves me in a closet with his guitar, headphones and an iPod With that full record on it. All downhill from there...

Tyler: I got into Punk and just started to play real fast. Now I play these slow guys haha.
Matt: I heard Jimi Hendrix's Voodoo Chile ( Slight Return) on ROCK 107 and told my dad " I want to learn guitar," It’s been 18 years since ( and I can still barely play the damn thing!!!)

9.) What’s one song that means a lot to you that you’ve written so far? Why?
Jake: Monument to Isolation because I got to use some songwriting tools that I learned at the time and it really helped glue the whole thing together faster and better overall.

Tyler:Well, the new songs since i was not involved in the last record. If you've been out to see us live it's the two new guys and this other new one we're shopping as Battle In space. We all came together and I really like that process

Matt: Of the old material I agree with Jake, I like how Monument to Isolation came together. Of The new material I really enjoy Against A Falling Sky because it was something we had kicking around for a while but Tyler's playing helped us build it from an idea to a full song.

10.)A Backline is always nice with good cabs and a tuned kit. However that's pretty rare we're always good with a few comped brews.

11.)Preshow ritual 

Jake: Vocal warm ups are a must and usually like a 5 minute mindfulness meditation. Ear plugs are a must for me.
Tyler: Usually a beer and stick warm ups
Matt: I like to make sure we have water and a cold one. I also make sure i have enough picks on the amp for OSHA regulation.

12.)Anything else you want anyone who hasn’t heard of you to know (ex. What to expect at a show, what to expect in the future, future plans, etc)

We're going in on the 12th of January to start recording a new EP and we're trying to get it real psychedelic and weird this go round. We want to play out of the area more and just reach out more.

13.)Any ending remarks/comments

Thanks for having us, that is all folks.


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