No Rain Checks Show Review 09|21|19

No Rainchecks is a recently established band consisting of members Max Bolton, Austin Blackman, and Josh Bishop. Their music is mostly original, with a handful of covers thrown in for fun. They played about an hour set, at a consistent level, which is quite commendable of any band. They had a good level of stage presence and made an effort to connect to the crowd, which worked for the most part, and their drummer was undoubtedly the structure the band needs around them at a musicians level and at an equiptment level. Though, every artist has areas that they can improve on. Hopefully in the future, they are able to get better gear for the other 2 members, especially in a form of better amplifiers and the vocals will improve in time. Overall, they are very nice dudes who have fun onstage and have a bright future the longer they're together as a group.

*Written by Ricky Wells


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